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1 Second Everyday APP官网

1 Second Everyday APP官网
  • 站点名称:1 Second Everyday APP官网
  • 网站域名: 1se.****.co
  • 收录时间:2024-03-11 17:57:40
  • 来访次数:118次
  • 更新时间:2024-03-11 17:57:40
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  • 搜索收录: 百度收录 360收录 搜狗收录
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1 Second Everyday APP官网网站简介

1 Second Everyday APP官网,应用描述:1 Second Everyday is a video diary that makes it easy to take your day-to-day moments and create a meaningful movie of your life. It’s a home for all your notable memories, not just the Insta-worthy. Get started with 1SE today!2x winner of the “Best Use of a Mobile Camera” WEBBY Award.Featured by Apple, BBC, TED, CNN, Fast Company and more!\"For over 6 years, I\'ve been recording 1 second every day, so I\'ll never forget another day ever again. This project has had such a positive impact on my life. This lead to the development of 1 Second Everyday; which makes it easy for anyone to do this too. Being able to relive every single day has provided me with a treasured perspective on life. It holds me accountable for making each day notable. When I turn 40, I\'ll have a 1-hour compilation that encapsulates my 30s. If I live to see 80 years of age, I\'ll have a 5-hour video that summarizes 50 years of my life.\"- Cesar Kuriyama, 1SE Founder.Why 1SE is awesome:- AD FREE: 1SE is free to use without ads!- AUTO-FILL: Don\'t know where to start? Roll the dice and auto-fill your days with ease!- ROTATE & FILL THE FRAME: Pesky vertical videos? Begone! Lopsided videos ruining your mash? No more! You can rotate and fill the frame to your heart\'s content.- UNLIMITED MASHING: Make 1SE videos of any custom length. Monthly, seasonal, or the past 5 years. You\'re in control.- 2 KINDS OF PROJECTS: Start out with two different styles of projects, ‘Freestyle’ for events or trips and ‘Timeline’ for a classic day to day video diary.- NOTES: Take note of your day and leave a private message for yourself.- REMINDERS: Set up friendly creative reminders, so you never forget a day!- PRIVACY: Your seconds are never shared with anyone unless you decide to do it.Our core app is free to use but if you want to help support our growing team while gaining access to more features try 1SE Pro!1SE PRO FEATURES:- Unlimited backup: Secure your life’s most precious memories and never loss them again!- Unlimited projects: Create as many Freestyle or Timeline projects as you want.- Multiple snippets a day: Up to two separate snippets in a day.- Longer snippets: Capture up to 10 seconds per snippet!- Add music: Gain access to royalty-free songs and add some music to your mashes!- Brightness: Edit the shadows and exposure with our updated snippet selector.- Remove 1SE Branding: Remove the date and logo at the end of your videos.Pro & Subscription FAQ: https://help.1se.co/pro-faqPrivacy Policy: https://1se.co/privacy/;Terms of Use: https://1se.co/terms-service;We love your feedback and appreciate your reviews. Reach out to us at support@1secondeveryday.com;Follow 1SE on:- Instagram: @1SecondEveryday- Twitter: @1SecondEveryday- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/1SecondEveryday

1 Second Everyday APP官网数据评估

通过初夏导航提供的1 Second Everyday APP官网网址入口人气值目前已达到118,需要了解该站更多搜索的索引信息,请点击"百度索引量""360索引量""搜狗索引量"进行查看,由于本站性质为分类目录导航网站,"1 Second Everyday APP官网"的链接收录自互联网,更多网站价值评估因素如:1 Second Everyday APP官网的访问速度、用户体验等;评估一个站的价值,最主要还是需要根据您自身的需求以及需要,一些确切的数据则需要找1 Second Everyday APP官网的站长进行洽谈提供。如该站的IP、PV、跳出率等!

关于1 Second Everyday APP官网特别声明

本站提供的1 Second Everyday APP官网,源自互联网,在2024-03-11 17:57:40收录时,该网页上的内容,都属于合规合法,初夏导航遵守和尊重国家法律法规对著作权人和版权的保护,如有侵权内容和初夏导航无关,初夏导航会第一时间将含有违法信息和侵权内容的网站收录页面进行断链以及彻底删除处理。因为网址导航的特殊性,收录的网站域名会有过期、删除、重新注册等情况,初夏导航不声明也不保证该链接的正确性和可靠性,请仔细考虑清楚后,再进行访问,如有风险自行承担。




