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  • 站点名称:e公司APP官网
  • 网站域名: egs.****.com
  • 收录时间:2024-03-11 17:54:15
  • 来访次数:103次
  • 更新时间:2024-03-11 17:54:15
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e公司APP官网,应用描述:e公司,证券时报旗下专注上市公司新媒体产品,立志打造A股上市公司资讯第一平台。主打上市公司一手信息和一线互动,7x24小时提供上市公司标准化快讯,除了常规公告快讯外,侧重上市公司非公告一线快讯和机会解读,突出“不止是快”的特点;发挥驻外记者全网络覆盖优势,真正从投资者需求出发提供与上市公司一线互动服务。下载e公司APP可以获取到:公司快讯:e公司不间断滚动发布最新、最快、最有价值的上市公司快讯。机会解读:针对可能影响上市公司股价的主题概念、行业事件及时采访二次解读。情报挖掘:用数据解读市场,用数据拆解上市公司密码,为投资者挖掘客观信息。互动服务:从投资者需求出发,撮合上市公司与投资者互动,直播上市公司有价值的活动、会议。e公司依托《证券时报》权威主流的品牌影响、庞大专业的采编团队创立。《证券时报》是人民日报主管主办的全国性财经证券类日报,中国证监会指定上市公司信息披露媒体。《证券时报》创刊23年以来,为中国资本市场的发展和社会进步起到了积极的推动作用,具有良好的社会形象和巨大影响力,是中国资本市场的重要组成部分。About Us:egsea is a subsidiary new-media product of Security Times with a special emphasis on Chinese-litsed companies, contributed as the leading platform of listed company news. We provide accurate, authorized and standardized newsflash around the clock. Not only fast news and first-hand information, online interaction between invetsors and listed companies is also our specialty. Our full-network coverage of professional correspondents ensures us provide custom-made interaction service to suit what you require.Download egsea APP and acquire:First-hand Newsflash: egsea provides the latest, fastest and the most valuable news of Chinese- listed companies.Investment Opportunity: egsea provides “the second reading” (deep interpretation)for prevalent investment subjects and hot industrial events, which may influence relevant companies’ stock price.Useful Information: egsea uses reasonable and accurate data analysis to track capital market, decodegsea value and sort objective investment information.Interaction Sevice: egsea conducts as a bridge between invetsors and listed companies, providing live reports on shareholder meetings and other valuable activities.egsea is established by Security Times, recognised widely for its authority, integrity and professional journalist and editor team. Owned by People’s Daily, Security Times is a national financial daily newspaper and the China Securities Regulatory Commossion’s government designated channel for disclosure of Chinese-listed companies. Security Times was established on 27November 1993. Ever since its founding, Security Times has promoted the developmemnt of China’s capital market, possessed a well-known reputation and great influence, and become an important part of China’s capital market.




本站提供的e公司APP官网,源自互联网,在2024-03-11 17:54:15收录时,该网页上的内容,都属于合规合法,初夏导航遵守和尊重国家法律法规对著作权人和版权的保护,如有侵权内容和初夏导航无关,初夏导航会第一时间将含有违法信息和侵权内容的网站收录页面进行断链以及彻底删除处理。因为网址导航的特殊性,收录的网站域名会有过期、删除、重新注册等情况,初夏导航不声明也不保证该链接的正确性和可靠性,请仔细考虑清楚后,再进行访问,如有风险自行承担。




