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Fantastical APP官网

Fantastical APP官网

Fantastical APP官网网站简介

Fantastical APP官网,应用描述:Fantastical is the award-winning calendar and tasks app with features like natural language parsing, beautiful Day, Week, Month, and Year views, and much more!TRY FANTASTICAL FOR FREE:• Beautiful, clean, and easy to use calendar app allowing you to manage basic events• The DayTicker and calendar makes your schedule look the nicest it ever has• 3 day weather forecast (powered by AccuWeather)• 14 day free trial for Fantastical PremiumUPGRADE TO FANTASTICAL PREMIUM (requires subscription)• Includes Fantastical on all platforms: Mac, iPhone, Apple Watch, and iPad• Extended 10 day weather forecast with RealFeel and MinuteCast up-to-the-minute weather data (powered by AccuWeather)• Browse and instantly subscribe to interesting calendars, including sports, TV shows, holidays, and much more (powered by SchedJoules)• Full task support including Todoist and Google Tasks• Calendar sets - quickly toggle multiple calendars on or off with a simple click or automatically when you leave or arrive, based on location• Event and task templates• Sync calendar sets and templates across devices• Full screen day, week, month, and year views• Apple Watch app with Up Next and Weather (and works over LTE)• Parser autocomplete recommendations for invitees, locations, and calendars/task lists• Propose multiple times to easily ask people when they can meet• Combine duplicate events across multiple calendars• Invitees and availability lookups• Respond to event invitations• Default alerts• Time zone override• Favorite time zones• Push updates for Google and Exchange• Manage Google Hangouts, Google Meet, and Zoom events• Set event travel time and receive time to leave notifications:• Custom event colors• Custom home screen icons• Custom alert sounds• Hide events without deleting them• Add attachments to events on iCloud, Google, and Exchange• Priority email supportADDING NEW EVENTS OR TASKS IS FAST AND FUN• The easiest and fastest way to add new events or tasks • Type in your details or use dictation and watch your words magically turn into an actual event or task!• Powerful parser features, including:- Create tasks by starting your sentence with “task” ”reminder\", \"todo\", or \"remind me to\" - Powerful and expressive repeating events such as third Thursday of every month, every weekend, last weekday of the month, and more - Create alerts with phrases like \"remind me tomorrow at 3PM\", \"alert 1 hour before\", or \"alarm 3PM\" THE BEST TASKS APP TOO• See your events and dated tasks together in the main list• Add tasks directly from the Tasks list or new event screen - just flip the switch to toggle between events and tasks• Set dates, times, and geofences (when I arrive/when I leave)• Support for iCloud Reminders, Todoist, and Google TasksWORKS THE WAY YOU DO• Connects to your favorite calendar services including iCloud, Google, Exchange, Office 365, Todoist, Yahoo, and more• Automatically add alarms to your new events• Fantastical is fully localized in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish• Start typing your event or task in any of these languages and Fantastical will automagically understand! EVEN MORE FANTASTICAL• Background app updating enables events, tasks, and alerts to be pushed to Fantastical even if you don\'t launch the app often• Birthdays - see your contact’s details or send a quick birthday greeting• Handoff support between Fantastical for Mac, iPhone, and iPad• Time zone support including floating time zone support• Dark and light themes• Stickers• Accessibility support• And much, much more!

Fantastical APP官网数据评估

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本站提供的Fantastical APP官网,源自互联网,在2024-03-11 17:56:21收录时,该网页上的内容,都属于合规合法,初夏导航遵守和尊重国家法律法规对著作权人和版权的保护,如有侵权内容和初夏导航无关,初夏导航会第一时间将含有违法信息和侵权内容的网站收录页面进行断链以及彻底删除处理。因为网址导航的特殊性,收录的网站域名会有过期、删除、重新注册等情况,初夏导航不声明也不保证该链接的正确性和可靠性,请仔细考虑清楚后,再进行访问,如有风险自行承担。




