Ultralight APP官网网站简介
Ultralight APP官网,应用描述:Outstanding photo editing for your favorite moments.Ultralight offers wide and powerful control for both photo and video editing. Suits amateurs and professionals alike.Main features:• Capable of editing both photos and videos.• Ultralight is easy to use and understand.• Full screen editing.• High quality filters and customisable filter presets.• Create and save your own custom presets.• Creative and intuitive editing tools.• Real-time preview. See the effects real-time while editing.• Non-destructive editing and automatic saving. Continue or revert your changes later.• Undo and redo. Easily step back and forth to compare your adjustments.• No importing needed. Your photo and video collection is directly available.Tools for photo and video editing:• Curves & RGB Curves*• Saturation & Temperature• Split toning• Hue, saturation and luminosity color controls• Clarity, sharpen, emphasize and noise controls• Vignette• Texture overlays*• Selectively mask and edit a specific area. Including: highlights and shadows, background blur, smoothen skin, whiten teeth and double exposure.*• Crop and perspective correction• Cinemagraph tool.* Ultralight Pro is available as an in-app purchase.#ultralightapp:Follow Ultralight on Instagram: @ultralightapp.Follow Ultralight on Facebook: www.fb.me/UltralightApp.Follow Ultralight on Twitter: @UltralightApp.Remember to use the hashtag #ultralightapp for a chance to get featured!
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